Welcome to Filmscroll, my film review blog, I review all kinds of film and television. I also talk about random stuff on occasion.

Saturday 6 February 2016

A quick thought on the Force awakens

The story of the new instalment of one of the most notable franchises has been argued to not be the dominant concern, and maybe this is why the film has gone onto break box office records. It’s been mentioned by a few that the story line of the force awakens was simply recycled from the first star wars film - A new hope. Yes, the two were incredibly similar. There was a death star, and everything else you would expect. But this is the best possible move the Abrams could have made. 

In my opinion, the plot was less of a recycled twin, but more of a very close relative to a new hope. It was done this way not only for the nostalgia that would pool in the pits of the stomach of  the fans who saw A new hope in theatres the first time around, for people like me who grew up watching it on an old video tape and saw the prequels on the big screen, and the fresh faced kids who are seeing star wars for the first time in the cinema. It’s not recycling the plot, but renewing the excitement that was much needed after the prequels. 

However, to suggest that the plot was not original is doing the film a injustice. It helped us to see new world, connect to characters, old and new and helped up learn about these characters in depth, or in a way that left doors open that wouldn’t have been able to if the film had a fresh plot, it is an origin story for many characters, a bridge from old to new. We know the characters so well, and with a wider reach of fans, the box office records were in the bag/ A fresh, new plot would have drawn us away from the new generation of characters, this introductory film has only been achieved due to the fact the film was going to be an inevitable success from the outset. 

Something that Abrams insisted on not being in the film - the intense computer generated imagery that the prequels relied on so much attributes to the success of the film. Whether this being nostalgia, or pure aesthetics it doesn’t matter. And whether you liked the film or not, not totally original plot aside, it can’t be denied that the film is witty and filled with action that a huge majority felt was left out of the prequels. The films connects us to the original trilogy in a way that we felt, subconsciously, we would never get again, and it does so without compromising on action, intensity or aesthetics that will not look dated in a mere ten years. 

Finally, the force awakens focused more on introduction of the characters, setting us up for the inevitable sequels, which without the film would be more fast paced and missing the substance that made it so successful. The plot is familiar, but the way the film utilised the characters, and the way these characters deviate from its predecessors, and updated technology within the world made it fresh. So I like to think of the Force awakens as something not completely separated from the original trilogy. It’s an extension of them, an extension that we have, so patiently, some more than others, for. 

Saturday 30 January 2016


Master of none, 2015, is a Netflix original created by Aziz Ansari (you probably know him from Parks and rec) and Alan Yang, who wrote some of the episodes of Parks and rec. There are 10 episodes, each running for an average of 25 minutes and use a single camera.

The show is set mainly on the streets, in the clubs and in the apartments of New York City, so the production value is already impressive. It's revolutionary ambitious, it uses less traditional devices, like flashbacks well to tell stories in more unconventional ways that make the story more fulfilled and progressive.

However, the comedic style that Ansari has established works well with him, but when it's mixed in with other characters it often feels laboured, as well as the acting from some more minor characters.  But the show is charming and fresh, as well as dealing with issues like the morning after and unemployment without being too distracting or derivative from the central themes. Overall, the show is charming, great for a binge but not something you could get hooked on.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

2014 in Film, Games and tv.

As we've come to the start of a new year, there's an endless possibility of the emerging films, tv and games in the near future. However, when I think back to the pst 12 months and the amount of time I have spent sat, staring at a screen watching a horror or twiddling my thumbs guiding Mario to Bowser's castle. 

In this once every year post and I'm going to take a look back and talk about the great, and not so great stuff I watched and played in 2014. Or what I can remember of it anyway. 

These are roughly in order of how I watched them, not ranking order, and THERE WILL BE SPOILERS, probably. 

I didn't start off 2014 with a bang, instead I spent it watching the 180 minute marvel that Is the desolation of Smaug. I've never really like new year so where better to spend it than in the cinema?!  

The film was superb, It was more action packed and emotional than the first part instalment. My favourite moment, or scene has to be the river, barrel fight scene. 

Me when I was told you can't bring your own food into the theatre.

Now, the first few week of the year started, January blues where kicking in and the anticipation of the summer blockbusters was too intense to handle. I'd recently went on a Doctor Who binge and re-watched every season from new who, again. This was when I developed a new found respect for the 11th doctor - Matt Smith. 

I thought to myself, hmm I wonder what else he has done apart from Doctor Who, naturally I clicked to the Imdb app and typed in his name and a decent amount of roles popped up, Although only one title slapped me in the face - 'Womb'. 

Womb, released in 2010 is a German film featuring Eva Green and Matt Smith. I like how the the ideas of a dystopian word were the main foundations for the plot but they were none existent in majority of the scenes, a lonely beach cabin is far from the electronic super houses that films about cloning connote. One of the best scenes is when Eva Green and the clone of her ex boyfriend, she gave birth to, have sex, again - the portrayal of the characters immerses you in the controversy so it makes for awkward and uncomfortable viewing when you can't decide if it's incest or not. 

The gif was either going to be this, or incest. 

Grand theft auto 5 was one of the hugest games released in 2013, argued one of the best -selling over 32 million copies. I'd never actually completed a mission on vice city - the only over GTA game I played, I just drove cars off bridges and shot people, healthy. However, GTA 5 and the hype that it brought with it practically made me play it. It helped that I got it as a gift. 

The gameplay was stunning and the meticulous visual details that was put into making it was astounding. One of my favourite missions has to be the paleto score, it was so fun, can't really say much about it. 

Oh and I killed Trevor. Trevor's not a nice man. 

When your takeout food is getting cold

Jackie Brown, the third instalment to the Tarantino holy trinity is the film I am most glad I watched this year. I've been a Tarantino fan for a few years however I'd never watched this gem. It's adapted from the novel rum punch by Elmore Leonard, It's a crime drama with homage to the blaxploitation genre. 

The film is smart and without much gore at all, contrary to what you'd expect from Tarantino. It's a great film with iconic references to 90s American culture. My favourite scene us of course the final scam where Max Cherry walked calmly out of the department with a bag full of cash (and beach towels), it wouldn't be my favourite if it didn't have it music it does have. 

Doesn't even need a caption.

Studio Ghibli has always been a part of my life, Howl's moving castle was my go to movie when I needed a cheer up, before I watched my neighbour Totoro. Released in 1988 in Japan, a story about a family who move closer to the hospital their mother is staying, they eventually find magic in their attic and back yard in the form of Totoro, a cat that's also a bus, and dust. It's better than I make it sound, Okay? 

I love my neighbour Totoro, it's one of those films that you have to force people to watch, but once they do, they'll love it. My favourite scene has to be when Mei first discovers the mysterious creatures in the grass. 
She's beauty, she's grace, she's miss United states

Next up is Game of thrones! Yes i'm really late into starting to watch this but I like waiting for tv shows to be out ages so I can binge watch them all in one shameful weekend. We all know what game of thrones is about, sex, incest, dragons and women who are stronger than the men. Basically, it's amazing. Now I can't chose a favourite moment, so I'm just going to tell you who I love and hate. 

My least favourite character is Bran, his story bores me. I know it's building up to better things but the character just doesn't appeal to me, he's like that annoying little brother that you wish your parent's would lose in Asda and never find him again. 

My favourite is hard, it's either Sansa, Cersei or Daenerys! 

Stupid men and their mercy. 

An apt alternative name for Game of thrones would be kill your Darlings. However, that's the name given to another favourite I watched in 2014. 

Kill your darlings is a film starring Daniel Radcliffe and Dane Dehaan. It focuses on poet Allen Ginsberg and Lucien Carr's university experience. poetry, shouting, anti-establishment, murder and controversial sex ensures. 

One of the best scenes is the party where they find a random high guy in the bathtub, i've forgot the details. 

We like to drink with Dan, cos Dan is our mate...

The summer came! I had finished sixth form forever! I renewed my Netflix subscription! I didn't leave my room for 13 weeks... 

But I watched both seasons of Orange is the black and it was the best tv series I watched in a while. 
It's based on a memoir by Piper Kerman, who's also the main character. An old drug smuggling crime catches up with Piper and she goes to Litchfield women's prison for 15 months, where her ex is and there's people trying to kill her, it's basically like high school but the uniforms and food is better. 

I can't chose a favourite character so I'm going to tell you my least favourite. It's Piper. Okay, I said it, can we move on? 

Since I finished OITNB in like 25 hours, I scrolled through Netflix to find something else to binge on. I came across avatar: the last air bender, I had watched one episode when I was younger, I was apprehensive but ended up loving it! 

Basically, there's four elements, therefore four nations. The fire nation went crazy and now the avatar who was found in an iceberg has to master all the elements to defeat the fire nation. Oh yeah, there's people called 'benders' who can manipulate an element to really mess stuff up. It's awesome. 

Toph is my favourite character! Oh you're blind? Let me just be the most progressive and badass character ever. 

Oh and I watched the movie adaptation. But the less said about that the better. Shame on you Shayamalan. 

Since I'm a poor uni student, I usually wait a while to buy games - that's when the price is less ridiculous. Tomb raider was no exception. Though I wish I had played it sooner. 

Tomb raider is about a archeologist who is on an expedition to find Yamatai. She finds the mysterious island, but it's inhabited by crazy, brainwashed and shipwrecked people who try to kill you on every turn. It's an amazing, gritty game about mystery, survival and strength. I genuinely felt empowered after playing it, I just wanted to go and hunt and hide from bad guys, but i'm not Lara Croft. 

My favourite part if definitely killing Mathias. It's so satisfying after all the disappointment and hell he's put you through, and that's the moment you get dual pistols, so proud! 

Literal Cliff hangers!

Right so every six months or so I allow myself a good tv binge. I decided on parks and recreation for this one, I was giving it a second chance. And I fell in love. 

It's based in the parks department of local government in fictional town Pawnee. Leslie Knope basically runs the office with her over bearing work ethic. Along with her anti-establishment boss Ron Swanson, her intern April and a bunch of other hilarious people it's simply genius. 

I can't chose a favourite episode, one of the top ones is the 'Pawnee rangers' episode, otherwise known as the treat yo self episode. This little motto has lead me to spend more than I care to admit. 

And of course my favourite is April, Aubrey Plaza's deadpan and morbid portrayal of intern April is perfect. 

Talking about not doing things, I spent my christmas break watching American Horror story. I Really enjoyed murder house, adored asylum, got bored with coven and still haven't made my mind up about Freak show! Basically, it's an anthology series that focuses around witches, nazis, aliens, psychopaths. Anything you can imagine! So yeah, watch it. 

Of course my favourite season is Asylum as it genuinely shocked and angered me to the point of insanity. When a tv show can do that, you know you've found a winner. 

The moment when Lana escapes from the asylum, but then ends up in shackles again was the turning point in the series for me, suddenly it go real and it scared me a little bit. 

From the whole of American horror story, the best actor in my opinion is Jessica Lange, she is just has the best, most diverse and deepest characters. She's the reason why I watched coven all the way t0 the end! Any of her lines is my favourite moment, minus the ableism, racism and homophobia of course... 


So, there we have it! This was longer than I expected and shorter than it could have been considering this is a snippet of what I consumed over 2014. 

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Her (2013)

After writing my last post I felt the need to review something! So I reviewed Her. It's very quick and not really my best but I felt like I needed to post something! Her was definitely one of my favorite films, is isn't my usual genre and felt reluctant to watch it after I had saw the trailer, but I watched it and really enjoyed it. The lesson it, don't judge a film before you've watched it! If you want, you can read my kind-of review here. 

Sunday 27 July 2014

Venturing into film

Even though I am a novice reviewer, I have enjoyed writing the reviews and plan to do many more. Some of the films I plan to review are Frank (2014), Filth (2013), Womb (2010), How to be a man (2013), Cherrybomb (2009), Kill you darlings (2013), What if (2014) and a Fantastic fear of everything (2012). In contrast to reviewing lesser known, contemporary films, I hope to review some classic and cult films, such as Quadrophenia and films from the 60s French era of film, including films like Five day lover (L'Amant de Cinq Jours). Also some Bollywood films as it's an industry I have never ventured into before and would like to experience something outside of the typical western blockbusters that plague our screens. 

Saturday 26 July 2014

Wild Target

The first review is published! I decided to review Wild target (2010), as it's a lesser known film and a personal favorite. I'll post it as a separate page or you can check it out here.  


I chose to review shame as it was recommended to me, and intrigued me as it is a more contemporary independent film, with a familiar, notable A-list cast. You can check it out here.